• Forging brotherhood

    In TK NCC SEA, we are not just friends, we are brothers. Every batch comes in as boys, and leave as men, together. Together, we march on to greater heights.
  • Leaving legacies

    In TK NCC SEA,we roar each other on towards victory, glory and together, we all make history. Many legacies have been left and each one surpassed with every passing batch
  • Creating champions

    In TK NCC SEA, everyone of us are champions. We are trained to have the mindset of a champion, and the physicality of one too.


  The kayaking programme in NCC is integral in a sea cadet's syllabus, cadets here will have plenty of opportunities for kayaking and usually by the time they become a senior cadet leader they will be very familiar and adept at the sport. Their first kayaking experience in the NCC would be the kayaking one star course when they are junior cadets, which would build the foundation for all their basics. Afterwards the two Star Kayaking Course for senior cadets builds upon introductory one Star Course which they have gone through as a junior cadets. The two star kayaking course is exclusive only to NCC SEA, not land or air unless taken by oneself personally.
  Great amount of emphasis is place on kayaking as a personal skill, because it instills discipline and promotes adventurous spirit in the cadet. The kayaking courses equip the cadets with the skills required to maneuver a kayak safely and confidently in both coastal and open waters.
Our cadets going through the 1 star kayaking course in 2013
Our cadets training hard
  Through platforms like the Annual Kayaking Expedition and Sea Competition which foster teamwork and friendly competition, cadets also get to hone their abilities and demonstrate their skills . It is also very well known amongst all sea units that our cadets are one of the top guns in the annual sea competition. We have been constantly dominating and winning the competition for a good number of years. Currently we have won the competition a staggering ten times out of 11 in the past 11 years, with only the exception of 2010. You can find out more in the achievements and accolade page.
Sea Com champions 2013

Mini Kayaking Expedition 2013
  The prestigious kayaking expedition is held in the waterways of Singapore and spans across three days. The participating cadets have to persevere through two stages of selection and a mini-expedition before qualifying for the Annual Kayaking Expedition. Despite the stringent criteria, the expedition drew eager cadets from all districts to challenge their own physical and mental limits.
  The successful completion of the kayaking expedition is an important milestone in a cadets' NCC stint. Previous batches who have gone through this training have testified that the experience is significant and there are ample learning opportunities in AKE, which provides an excellent platform to build character in our youth.
Mini Kayaking Expedition 2013
  TK SEA cadets have always been known to be strong kayakers as we always lead the chasing pack during the expedition itself. This year 8 of our cadets made it to the final expedition and although only 7 completed it, they did so valiantly as the cadets were constantly at the front during the whole expedition.
Our Cadets posing for a photo. AKE 2013
AKE 2013

NCC adventure camps

Camp Forge

NCC Sea has a wide range of courses and camps to offer over the 4 years in NCC Sea. Apart from the annual March and Year End Camp organized in school, there are also camps in the NCC Headquarters. These camps provide cadets a chance to experience the thrill of adventure and bond with other cadets as well.
Camp Forge
  Examples of such an adventure camp would be the Mount Ophir Expedition, this is a three-day, two-night camp in Peninsula Malaysia. Cadets took part in activities such as Flying Fox and Jungle Obstacle Course, which consists of various high elements such as Monkey Bars and Rope Climbing. They will also scale Mount Ophir itself, climbing it all the way to the summit. This requires mental perserverance and determination whilst also improving one's own physical stamina and endurance.
Mount Ophir

Camp Forge
  Other camps such as camp Forge and camp Steel also serve a way for cadets to experience the thrill of adventure. Camp FORGE stands for Fun with friendship, Orientation with outdoor adventure, Responsibility and resilience building, Gelling of cadets, Experiential learning. This two day camp for Junior Cadets is held at HQ NCC to develop a cadet's personal abilities in team cohesion, overcoming fear, and self motivation while having a great deal of fun at the same time.

Activities include rock wall climbing, flying fox, archery, paintball, a Motivational Obstacle Course and Low Element Games.

NCC HQ Courses

  NCC Sea has a wide range of courses and camps to offer over the 4 years in NCC Sea. These courses are organised and held in HQ NCC. Some courses such as the Precision Drill Course and the Freestyle Drill Course focus on imparting new skills to cadets while others such as the Senior Specialist Course focus on leadership qualities.

  For example, the Advanced Drill Instructor Course trains cadets to be proficient in foot drills, arm drills, colours drills, pace stick and sword drills. The advanced level of training qualifies cadets to perform armed escorts and ensign appointments at a parade, and even the privilege of being a parade commander. Graduands from this course can assist senior specialists and teacher officers in parades and ceremonies, thus exposing them to aspects of leadership such as command, control and communication.

  Overall the courses here will not just benefit you only in your NCC life but also afterwards as there are many lessons to take from each course. These lessons are not only limited to skills or knowledge but also leadership qualities such as integrity. One great thing about all the courses is that you will find a boost in your own self-esteem and self confidence, cadets will be trained and given the opportunity to lead other cadets like themselves and that is just one of the many pluses in the NCC.


  In TK NCC SEA all cadets will be given a chance to try out dragonboating. . There is no other paddle sport in which 22 people work together to create a Team result rewarded through the efforts of the whole crew, rather than a few individual performances. This harmony of purpose can only be achieved through many hours of training in the boat, learning to be a complete crew and developing the team spirit and understanding necessary to work together, as one unit, for the common good.

  Cadets will be able to develop teamwork and boost their physical strength through training and dragonboating, it also serves as a good form of recreation. This is yet another activity that NCC SEA offers, one cca, but so many different varieties of activities.

  Every year NCC also holds the annual dragonboating competition, and our cadets have shown they are one of the top units to fear as we have gotten a top 3 placing in the last 3 years. Our cadets will not aim any lower than a top placing as we always strive to do our best, no matter how tough the road ahead may be, and the top
is what we always achieve.

Overseas trips

  In TK NCC SEA there will be many opportunities to go overseas. As part of the SAF-NCC Affiliation scheme, the NCC sends cadets, cadet officers and officers to overseas exchange programs to make friends and learn the hosting country's cultures. As such we are making an effort to bridge relationship with our overseas counterparts. These overseas programs include: Exercise Thunder Warrior, Exercise Wallaby, India Republic Day, Desert Trekking, Glider Course.

  One example is the MSTD (Midshipman sea training deployments). Cadets are given a chance to experience life out at sea and understand the roles navy personnel must play. This experience will also give a chance for cadets and crew alike to bond with each other and have a good time over course of the deployment. Overall this experience is just one of the many unique ones found exclusively in NCC SEA, the MSTD is definitely one of the most enriching and fun courses organised by the NCC.
  The ISCEP(International sea cadet exchange program) is another such terrific program found exclusively in the NCC.  For a period of about 14 days, cadets are sent to other countries to learn more about their culture. ISCEP serves as a platform whereby sea cadets worldwide can interact with one another to share their personal experiences, traditions and lifestyles. It is definitely a once in a lifetime event as cadets get to do things that no ordinary tourists would be able to do such as entering their ships, submarines and even barracks.





  There are many locations for ISCEP such as USA,HK,Australia and the UK. There is also much to learn from all these different locations, everyone one of them providing a unique and different experience, each giving you something that you cant simply learn from a textbook. Knowledge can be attained from books yes but things such as skills, friendships, bonds and experiences can never be attained that way. NCC SEA's overseas programs such as ISCEP and MSTD are just one of the many programs that the NCC offers which will grant you these experiences.

Freestyle Drill Squad

  This new program was introduced to NCC in late 2007. It makes drills more fun yet challenging. It promotes creativity, team work, resilience and precision in our cadets' drills performance. This program encompasses all the disciplines of conventional drill while incorporating  the "fun" factor that appeals to our young and impressionable cadets. Cadets are given the liberty to choreograph their drill movements and experiment with their creativeness, thus allowing them to have ownership of their drill routines.
This new program would be an important milestone for NCC as it strives to enhance the character and leadership development of our aspiring cadets.
  FSD(Freestyle Drill Squad) has long been in the history of TK SEA since its creation. Year after year, our cadets gun for glory in the annual FSD competition, and year after year they always come back with honours. TK SEA has been known to show creativity, precision and our performances are always sure to make the audiences wow.
  2013 was a special year in which TK SEA brought FSD and PDS to a whole new level when they carried out a hybrid or fusion performance of both. It was indeed something unique and showcased the power of TK SEA to try something new. This proves that we will not only try to maintain a high standard, we will also do our utmost best to raise that standard, and bring it to where other units cannot reach.

Watch our performances here:
2013: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U472yYJU8_U
2012: bit.do/tkndpfusion

Precision Drill Squad


In TK NCC SEA all cadets will be given a chance to try out PDS(Precision drill squad). PDS involves cadets executing drills that comprises a complex series of movements with great co-ordination and precision. The nature of these drills display a wide range of diversity. They may be sharp and quick, graceful and flowing, or a wide variety of tossing and spinning techniques. This is done with a prop rifle, there are many different types of drills and a countless variety of stunning routines.

  Cadets will be given the chance to be able to attend the basic PDS course at NCC HQ so as to familiarize themselves with the basics of PDS. Outstanding cadets will have the privilege to attend the Enhanced PDS Auxiliary Instructor Course. Upon graduation from the course, these cadets are qualified to conduct PDS trainings in their respective school units.

  TK SEA has only just started to include PDS as part of our training since 2012, although we are relatively new, our cadets have shown themselves to be no pushovers. In the annual PDS competition 2012, our team of cadet leaders put up a marvellous performance, wowing the judges. This helped us into the finals, and although we did not achieve that high of a placing, TK SEA definitely showed that they are one of the top contenders and will be gunning for glory at future competitions.

Watch their performance here: 2013 performance: bit.do/tkseapds
                                                      2012 performance: bit.do/tkseapds2012