
  In TK NCC SEA all cadets will be given a chance to try out dragonboating. . There is no other paddle sport in which 22 people work together to create a Team result rewarded through the efforts of the whole crew, rather than a few individual performances. This harmony of purpose can only be achieved through many hours of training in the boat, learning to be a complete crew and developing the team spirit and understanding necessary to work together, as one unit, for the common good.

  Cadets will be able to develop teamwork and boost their physical strength through training and dragonboating, it also serves as a good form of recreation. This is yet another activity that NCC SEA offers, one cca, but so many different varieties of activities.

  Every year NCC also holds the annual dragonboating competition, and our cadets have shown they are one of the top units to fear as we have gotten a top 3 placing in the last 3 years. Our cadets will not aim any lower than a top placing as we always strive to do our best, no matter how tough the road ahead may be, and the top
is what we always achieve.