NCC HQ Courses

  NCC Sea has a wide range of courses and camps to offer over the 4 years in NCC Sea. These courses are organised and held in HQ NCC. Some courses such as the Precision Drill Course and the Freestyle Drill Course focus on imparting new skills to cadets while others such as the Senior Specialist Course focus on leadership qualities.

  For example, the Advanced Drill Instructor Course trains cadets to be proficient in foot drills, arm drills, colours drills, pace stick and sword drills. The advanced level of training qualifies cadets to perform armed escorts and ensign appointments at a parade, and even the privilege of being a parade commander. Graduands from this course can assist senior specialists and teacher officers in parades and ceremonies, thus exposing them to aspects of leadership such as command, control and communication.

  Overall the courses here will not just benefit you only in your NCC life but also afterwards as there are many lessons to take from each course. These lessons are not only limited to skills or knowledge but also leadership qualities such as integrity. One great thing about all the courses is that you will find a boost in your own self-esteem and self confidence, cadets will be trained and given the opportunity to lead other cadets like themselves and that is just one of the many pluses in the NCC.